Easy To Write. Hard To Find Something To Write!



30 June 2010

Khangabok Updates on Google Earth!

To all the people of Khangabok. I've been busy updating Khangabok details on Google Map. In other words putting Khangabok right onto the World Map!

To see the updates, do one of the following:
1. Update your installed Google Earth or re-buffer.
2.Get a fresh copy of Google Earth at:
3. View them online at:
4. Click on the photos below to enlarge.

Updates that have been approved so far by Google are: 
1. Khangabok Thoubal District Hospital.
2. BASU Ground.
3. Unofficial boundary of Khangabok.
4. District Court.
5. SP HQ.
6. Khangabok High School.
7. New Public School.
8. I.S. English School.
9. K.M. Blooming English School.
10. Ikop Ningthou.

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